7 Steps to Content Marketing Success in 2016
In our previous infographic, 7 Steps to Digital Marketing Nirvana, we showed the success factors with creating a digital strategy to help grow a business.
Since the 7 Steps format was popular, we have used the same format in this Content Marketing infographic. In it we highlight a process to help your business grow using Content Marketing, which we believe should be at the heart of your digital marketing strategy in 2016.
To help you review or benchmark how well you compete with your content marketing, for each step in the infographic, I have included relevant research from our free managing Content Marketing in 2016 research report we have just published with HubSpot - thank you if you were involved in the research!
The research shows the challenge of content marketing with:
- Over two-thirds (67%) of businesses creating more content in 2016 compared to 2015
- Only 11% feeling they have an optimised content marketing strategy.
- Quality is still a challenge, with 58% still rating their content marketing as basic or inconsistent. This is a healthy improvement on last year though, as in 2015 68% rated their content marketing as basic or inconsistent. But there is clearly plenty of room for further improvement.
To tackle these challenges we believe you need a solid content marketing plan. Here are the 7 steps we recommend - a summary of our content marketing strategy guide.

We hope you find this infographic useful to help you Compete on Content Marketing!
To learn more on the approaches we recommend to managing content marketing to make it effective, Expert members can download our three key guides to this process:
We also have a lot of free advice and other content marketing infographics for readers on our Content marketing hub page.