New report reveals the effectiveness of different Facebook retargeting options
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Recommended link: Facebook ad research
With the continued decline in organic reach in Facebook, opportunities for brands to get visibility for their brand page status updates is getting severely limited.

According to this Social@Ogilvy report, the organic reach of brands’ posts may soon reach zero, meaning that brands will no longer be able to reach their Facebook fans at zero cost. They recommend advertising as one option, which begs the question of the clickthrough rates and costs of Facebook ads. This new report from Facebook retargeting service AdRoll provides useful data for brands to make the case for investment in Facebook advertising.
The research shows that overall clickthrough rates of both News Feed targeting on desktop and mobile were significantly better than general web retargeting according to the report, with desktop having 8.1x higher CTR and mobile having 9.1x higher CTR. The report also shows how incremental impressions, clickthroughs and impressions compare to standard web retargeting.

The report also considers desktop and mobile ad clickthroughs and costs separately. The study demonstrates that the CPM cost of News Feed ad impressions on mobile is 57% lower than News Feed impressions on desktop, and mobile ads generate a 10% higher CTR. This results in a 61% lower
CPC for ads in the News Feed on mobile compared to the News Feed on desktop.
Although actual Facebook ad clickthroughs rates aren’t given in the report, the benchmarks from this report suggest investment in these Facebook ad retargeting options could be worth testing if you’re not already using these techniques.
The free report also has a useful introduction to different Facebook ad formats and retargeting options such as URL-based Web Custom Audience retargeting (WCA) and FBX.