Make a living doing what you love, or at least get paid to do what you would be doing anyway
Far too many people have resigned themselves to the fact that their jobs aren’t enjoyable. For these people, their jobs are an unfulfilling but necessary evil in their lives. Of course, we have all had jobs like these in the past. Very few people are fortunate enough to leave education and enter straight into their ideal role.
However, things don’t have to be this way. There is no reason that earning an income cannot be an enjoyable and worthwhile pursuit.It is simply a case of identifying what it is that you have to offer the world, and how you can render your skills and talents for money in a way that makes you happy as a person.
We all, hopefully, have hobbies and interests. These are the recreational activities that we use to escape from the drudgery of our jobs and other responsibilities. For many of us, because of the way that the modern world tends to make us think about the dichotomy between the activities we pursue for fun, and those we pursue professionally, leisure activities and work activities are kept entirely separate.
It doesn’t have to be this way, however. There are plenty of hobbies that many of us enjoy which, with a bit of imagination and determination, can form the basis of a legitimate career. With a bit of thinking, you may well be surprised at just how many of the things you do in your day to day life could just as easily form the basis of a financially and intellectually fulfilling career.
Here are just a few common hobbies that can be parlayed into legitimate businesses.

It is often said that everyone has at least one novel in them. However, if you enjoy writing then there are numerous ways to earn a living. Most writers, on some level, aspire to ultimately write books, but there are plenty of other ways that you can make money. If you combine your love of writing with another interest or hobby, you could launch a popular blog or website.
Both blogs and websites can provide an income for their owners via paid advertising or through donations from fans. They are also an excellent way of building a profile, honing your craft, and dipping your toes into the endless ocean of possibilities that exist for aspiring writers. They are the perfect lead-in to the world of copywriting.
Freelance copywriting is an excellent job/business for any writer to try their hand at. Whenever people need things to be written, they will look to copywriters to do it. As a result, the work of a copywriter is very varied, allowing you to develop writing skills that you would otherwise overlook, and to identify skills that even you didn’t know you had.
Much like writing, photography is a creative pursuit that many people already indulge in. Also, like writing, photography is something that anybody can pick up, although only relatively few will be able to turn it into a money maker. Photography is also a great choice for those who want to keep their options open and vary the type of work they do.
Photography can be artistic, or it can be practical. You will find that there is no end of individuals and businesses who require the work of a skilled photographer for various reasons. The only catch with photography is that you will need to invest in a decent camera. But if you are considering photography as a potential career path, chances are you already have experience using a decent camera.
Aside from the variety of work on offer, another advantage of pursuing a career in photography is that it is a fantastic excuse to travel around, meet new people, and experience new things. Like aspiring writers, you will need to put together some kind of online portfolio, blog, or website where you can showcase your work and build a reputation for yourself.
Are you a bookworm? Do you spend most of your life with your eyes glued to a page or screen as you devour the words of those who have come before you? Reading is a truly wonderful leisure activity. There is nothing else that presents the same variety of opportunities to learn, to experience, and to lose ourselves in our own thoughts and our favorite author’s imaginations.
But how can you turn reading into a job? The best way is by writing reviews if you buy your books from Amazon. Providing enough customer reviews could see you enrolled in the Amazon Vine program, where you will then be offered free stuff, including books, for the purposes of review.
As your reviews gain a following, you may soon find yourself being offered advanced copies of books by publishers and authors. If you persevere and keep producing thoughtful and helpful reviews, whether positive or negative, it can soon form the basis of a very enjoyable career.
If you choose to create a blog or website to showcase your reviews, you can also use it as a platform to exchange opinions and ideas with others who find your reviews helpful. Any interaction between you and your audience will improve their loyalty. As you slowly build a community, you will be able to hone your craft, make new connections, and best of all, know that your work is making a difference to other people.

Arts and crafts
Some people, either through natural raw talent or through perseverance and hours of practice throughout their lives, are exceptionally talented at producing various arts and crafts. If you are going to be making things anyway, why not try your hand at selling them? Etsy is one platform that makes it easy for you to sell your artistic creations, but there are numerous other ways, both online and offline.
Your job doesn’t have to be unfulfilling. There is no reason that you can’t turn find a way to turn your favorite hobbies and activities into a legitimate source of income. It won’t happen overnight, and it won’t be easy, but it will be well worth the effort.
Many people dream of becoming a successful musician and playing in a famous band, however, it’s often just a childhood dream which amounts to nothing.
However, teaching an instrument can be a fruitful career choice and you can make a good income from it. Your first challenge will be to acquire students. A suggested route is to often teach in a school. For example, there are many drum teachers who gain students then, later on, find their own teaching space and make more money as there is no school to take a cut.
Alternatively, you can set up a youtube channel and create high-quality, content around your instrument. The youtube reward scheme is fairly attractive and you get paid more for having more views and more subscribers. The real key is to build a free few courses with lots of videos covering lots of different topics this way you have more content and are more likely to get found online.
Boris Dzhingarov graduated UNWE with major marketing. He is the CEO of
ESBOLtd. Boris writes for many reputable sites online.