Interactive, creative and innovative emails to inspire your 2017 email marketing.
Email marketing consistently ranks as one of the most effective marketing channels in terms of ROI. But to stand out in a crowded field you need to optimise for device, utilise the latest technology, and have compelling creative. Without any of this crucial trio your email will fall flat.
It's all very well telling marketers they need to use dynamic email with creative designs and attention grabbing copy, but it's very different to actually produce it. Often the best way to get inspiration for your own campaign is to see examples of effective email campaigns that you can draw upon. That's way we're giving you 6 examples of creative and effective dynamic content emails to inspire you in 2017.
1. Knomo - Scalable design for mobile optimization
As you can see from the desktop and mobile versions of this email from Knomo, by designing the desktop email with a simple layout with large text and buttons, the mobile version needn't be dramatically different. This saves time and the scalable design means it's sure to work on screens of all sizes.
Desktop version:

Mobile Version:

2. River Island - Responsive design using hybrid layouts
River Island opted to use hybrid or 'spongy' as is it is often called coding to change the layout, usually based on the width of the screen. As you can see from the examples below, the desktop email has a different layout to the mobile version, to make use of the additional screen width.

Mobile version: 
3. Feel Unique - Use of Gif in email
This simple but clever use of a gif to showcase the functionality of their app makes the email stand out and invites the reader to see more.

4. Acid- Interactive email
As you can see if the gif below, Acid email developed an interactive email which invited users to crack a code to get their coupon. This interactive element increased engagement and hooks users in.

5. B&Q - Useful interactivity
Interactivity doesn't just have to be nifty little features to boost engagement. It can serve a useful purpose for the customer as well. This email from B&Q shows how you can add interactive elements to let your customers explore your offering within the email itself.

6. Sainsbury's- Interactive active content platform
Sainsbury's have combined personalised product emails with interactivity to allow customers to change product attributes based on their own preferences, without having to leave the email.

We hope you found these examples useful. Best of luck with your own email campaigns.
Learn more about the latest trends in email marketing in our free members report which Kath Pay has contributed to alongside 10 other email marketing consultants.