Chart of the day: New research highlights the top marketing skills for career progression
This research is from a report which is a collaboration between Smart Insights and The IDM. Its goal was to help marketers understand the skills needed to improve in their careers and to help employers understand the range of skills they need to develop. Respondents include Smart Insights members, thanks if you took part!
This first chart shows the importance based on time spent on current activities by marketers. It shows the wide range of skills needed and highlights the need for marketers looking for new jobs to demonstrate planning, data analysis and project management skills.

The second chart is more useful since it highlights the skills gap, comparing the skills that marketers have now against those they aspire to develop in the future.

This analysis also highlights the importance of developing marketing management skills, but also highlights a desire to develop skills in practical techniques which will be important in the future. For example, data management, marketing automation, search marketing and AI/Machine learning all have higher skills in the future than they do now.
Research source